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What do you think of this PC build

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What do you think of this PC build

Postby EPIC_RAGE » 30 May 2017 13:02


It's already a bit over budget so if you would replace anything it can only be cheaper or of the same price.
I'm not really someone that needs to play every shit game at super mega ultra settings. I will probably mainly be playing Battlefield 1, CoD, Rainbow 6, WoT and some strategies.
The PC I currently have has fx6300, radeon msi 7850 2gb, 8gb so it's quite an upgarde already for me.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Orrie » 30 May 2017 13:11

Seems alright, but if you want to future proof it, I'd get 15€ more and buy this motherboard instead: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Y4kwrH ... 0-tomahawk
Allows you to add another GPU for Crossfire in the future, when you want more juice.

Your case should support it.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Swoopie » 30 May 2017 14:07

Also, you can get faster ram for nearly the same price (6$ difference), Ryzens love fast ram: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/qGqbt6 ... c16d16gvgb
And maybe a bit cheaper PSU: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/y88H99 ... 20-g3-0650
Both PSU's (the one you had and the one I linked) are regarded as high quality PSU's. Also both have 10 year warranty.

Also I'd consider dropping the HDD (And take the one from your old build if it's an option) and upgrade the CPU from 1500x to 1600. It's a 30$ price difference for a lot of multi threaded performance (6c/12t on 1600 vs 4c/8t on 1500x). While the stock clock on 1500x is higher, they both OC to about the same (3,8-4.0 GHz). Better to have the performance and not need it than need it and not have it. Then add the HDD later on.

So with the mobo change Orrie suggested + my suggested changes it would look like this (It is without the 1TB HDD): https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zCTBpb

If you cant get the HDD from your own build, then you'll have to decide if you can drop the extra 30$ in or if you'll take the worse CPU (1500x) so you can fit the 1TB HDD in your budget).
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby EPIC_RAGE » 30 May 2017 14:42

Thanks guys, I'll swap that mobo then. If I manage to find that ryz1600 for lower price than I did for now I could add that as well. As of PSU, EVGA is like non-existent in Serbia and even if I find one it holds it's price higher than it actually is and imoprting it would be time consuming and turn out for similar price at the end. So I guess I'll stick with the psu from the first build.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Orrie » 31 May 2017 15:18

It's modular, and that's good for cable management if you're into that.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Conor_Notorious_McGregor » 31 May 2017 18:07

Orrie wrote:Seems alright, but if you want to future proof it, I'd get 15€ more and buy this motherboard instead: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Y4kwrH ... 0-tomahawk
Allows you to add another GPU for Crossfire in the future, when you want more juice.

Your case should support it.


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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 31 May 2017 18:19

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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Xen » 31 May 2017 18:35

not enoughi ntel and nvidia
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby WeWuzKangz » 31 May 2017 20:40

Xen wrote:not enoughi ntel and nvidia

Funny coming from someone who can afford neither LUL

Ryzen CPUs are really good for the EU market because of the way they are priced and the performance as well. Not to mention having a mobo that can cost $20-$100 less if you dont want to bother with Xfire. In all honesty I'd recommend an i5/i7, but the rig that you're going for ;the Ryzen performs very similarly and can only improve over time with AMD's pedigree in doing so.
As for the GPU I'd see about squeezing out a 1060 or 480/580 because with the games you're playing they're generally not very CPU intensive (Between 1500/X & 1600) and you'd be much better off with a better GPU. Even the strategy titles as well. The only real games that will push the CPU's you've selected are the highest top of the top or are horribly unoptimized to begin with. I can give really good marks towards AMD's 70 series since they come relatively close to the R9 380/390 in terms of performance, but are much less hot and dont draw much power. For RAM I wouldn't even bother going for higher frequencies because on my rig I have 32gb DDR4 3200 mhz sticks and the difference between 2133hz and 3200hz is 1-5 fps. I'd see about cheaper ram, but just make sure its ddr4 so that you might be able to get a better GPU.

This one is mine


Bare in mind that I waited for good deals to show and the most expensive single part of this whole build was actually the Samsung SSD (Which I vastly overpaid for ~$400) and also being from Murica helped alot too. That's not to say that you cant good deals either.

https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/ -This place is really good to get used, but in good condition parts kind of like an ebay auction and most sellers should also do international as well

https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/ -This place is really good too, but even though most of it is USA/Canada; some manufacturers like EVGA for example also extend the sales worldwide.

With these I'm just trying to convey that if you have the patience you can find PHENOMINAL deals for parts sometimes. The 1070s I got for -$110 off EACH when they were $450~ USD.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby fnz_ » 06 Jun 2017 14:47

Would go with the Ryzen 1600 if it was me personally. Comes with a pretty decent stock cooler as well from what i have heard so depending on how fussed you are about that can save you some money.
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Re: What do you think of this PC build

Postby Orrie » 06 Jun 2017 18:34

I'd normally shill Nvidia and Intel, but since the setup is kinda budgety, AMD is fine enough.
I'm still not sure if I'm gonna buy a whole new desktop whenever I start working again, or just upgrade the GPU in the current one.

Build is like 5 years, 2 months after 680 came out. The 2nd one is bought 2 years ago, when I found one for about 100€ and just went fuckit.
(Old picture, when Speccy misread my ram that should be at 800Mhz, and they're in a Quad Channel.)
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