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Good places for kids to visit on EU?

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Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby _BlackLivesMatter » 31 Dec 2015 18:12

Hello friends;

You may know me as that hyper autstic kid from NA, but I am doing a project on the side in real life. Truth be told; my life hasn't been very fruitful as of late. From my Fiance's passing to Medical issues; I've nearly lost all hope in myself, but one thing that genuinely makes me happy is that I take care of kids at the local children's hospital and this coming spring they're doing a trip to the EU to visit the world. They've set me up on a committee to see which locations are both fun for the parents and kids as well. Anyone know of any good places to visit?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Not_a_Tesla » 31 Dec 2015 22:31

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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Dr_Oolen » 31 Dec 2015 22:38

Visit me in czechtardia, i can speak to the childrean and put some ideas into their heads. Alternatively you could visit xun, the biggest mr sexii (I am actually spelling it out although "fgt" is much shorter and easier) in europe. Id visit france/UK/scandinavia so that the kids can vvitness the beginning of the fall of europe with their own eyes.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby wetlioN » 01 Jan 2016 14:59

really depends what you wanna see/visit, so much stuff here Kreygasm
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Brati007 » 01 Jan 2016 15:11

one could do a trip from germany to france to uk and most would be covered by berlin to paris to london and your feet will bleed if you only want to see the standard stuff
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby TayIor_Swift » 01 Jan 2016 15:35

UK: mostly have the northern countryside and the magic of London... There are buildings here that are 1300 years old, you'll regularly see buildings that are older than America and villages/hamlets that make GoT/LotR look modern. It's mostly all hidden away in obscure places so id recommend contacting a tourist board and asking for local tourist panels who can show you some of the secrets of this place. Stonehenge, lake/Peak District, old market towns, museums etc... The hebredies in Scotland are fucking awe inspiring, Ireland has some beautiful spots.

Rest of EU: Norway is a hidden gem that few know about, go see the aurora there - Candy is a good guy to talk to. BeNeLux also has a lot of WW2 history/beauty/excellent English skills/ridiculously good food. Paris is magical, but also a shithole if you go to the wrong location, south of France you have to visit at least once, then go on a road trip down to Italy, see Milan, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Venice etc... The south is less luxurious than the north. Switzerland/Austria for skiing and sausages, Eastern Europe has some of the most beautiful places to visit too, see lake bled. Croatia is gorgeous as is Greece (check out pagasetic gulf). Budapest offers a lot, go see the F1 there in the summer, it's never rained. Never been to Ljubljana but heard it's also lovely.

Honestly checkout an inter railing website, it'll show you some gems all around Europe. I'll leave Germany to the rest of the guys here. Dresden is great for asking people to pronounce squirrel! Also don't forget about Denmark.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Dr_Oolen » 01 Jan 2016 15:58

SwiftGG wrote:...Paris is magical, but also a shithole if you go to the wrong location...

I just ...had to.

+1 for norway
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Xen » 01 Jan 2016 17:07

SwiftGG wrote:UK: mostly have the northern countryside and the magic of London... There are buildings here that are 1300 years old, you'll regularly see buildings that are older than America and villages/hamlets that make GoT/LotR look modern. It's mostly all hidden away in obscure places so id recommend contacting a tourist board and asking for local tourist panels who can show you some of the secrets of this place. Stonehenge, lake/Peak District, old market towns, museums etc... The hebredies in Scotland are fucking awe inspiring, Ireland has some beautiful spots.

Rest of EU: Norway is a hidden gem that few know about, go see the aurora there - Candy is a good guy to talk to. BeNeLux also has a lot of WW2 history/beauty/excellent English skills/ridiculously good food. Paris is magical, but also a shithole if you go to the wrong location, south of France you have to visit at least once, then go on a road trip down to Italy, see Milan, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Venice etc... The south is less luxurious than the north. Switzerland/Austria for skiing and sausages, Eastern Europe has some of the most beautiful places to visit too, see lake bled. Croatia is gorgeous as is Greece (check out pagasetic gulf). Budapest offers a lot, go see the F1 there in the summer, it's never rained. Never been to Ljubljana but heard it's also lovely.

Honestly checkout an inter railing website, it'll show you some gems all around Europe. I'll leave Germany to the rest of the guys here. Dresden is great for asking people to pronounce squirrel! Also don't forget about Denmark.

What about all the lovely KZs and other Nazi stuff in Germany and Poland? >:D
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby wetlioN » 01 Jan 2016 18:54

troolenhardy wrote:
SwiftGG wrote:...Paris is magical, but also a shithole if you go to the wrong location...

I just ...had to.

hahahahahaha :paris_hilton:
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby SYN_Kollwitz » 01 Jan 2016 19:48

What I remember most as a kid whilst doing touristy stuff is knowing why something is special and why you should see it. Old buildings are just that, but once you know why it all start to come alive and you will remember it as well. e.g: The Tower in London is just an old castle, but the stories about Henry VIII beheading his wife(s) there is something I enjoyed immensely as a kid :P

Same with the Delta Works in The Netherlands. They are an industrial marvel, and at the same time boring as hell. Knowing about the Flood of 1953, which was the reason of building them makes it a very interesting visit for both adults and children.

My suggestion is to visit mostly places that are not available in North America. You guys have stunning nature over there, ours is beautiful as well but is it worth the visit?
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Paris_Hilton » 01 Jan 2016 19:51

Go to albania you wont regret Kappa
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Xen » 01 Jan 2016 19:56

Paris_Hilton wrote:Go to albania you wont regret Kappa

I don't think cheap prostitutes are a good reason to visit with a group of kids.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby AngryBanana » 05 Jan 2016 12:23

All of the D-day stuff in normandy is pretty cool IMO, and something you won't find in the US.

Pompeii is magical, probably the closest thing to a time machine that exists, and around that area there are some other cool things as well such as the Vesuvius and a whole lot more ancient Roman and Greek sites and pretty villages

In the Netherlands the delta works are probably pretty cool to see (I've never actually seen them, shame on me), and I guess our polders are quite unique.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby _BlackLivesMatter » 05 Jan 2016 20:15

Thanks for the replies guys; Will definitely look into them.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Orrie » 05 Jan 2016 20:25

Don't know about Norway as a country for traveling with children in mind.
Sure its beautiful nature and full of oil, but its more for adults and elderly as everything is very pricey, compared to other European countries.

I'd go more for the major capitals for more possibilities and easier access to tourist attractions.
Only thing I can mention here is London and Paris, since its the places I last visited, and they have many attractions suited for both children, youths and adults alike.

I did have many road trips as a child throughout Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, but I don't remember much, and we where a small group camping around.
But I'd say all the midwesteuropean countries are great choices.

Whatever you choice, it'll probably be a fantastic trip that the kids will remember, and maybe give them a reason to return later in life.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby Daquicker » 07 Jan 2016 09:52

Both Brugge (Bruges), Belgium and Barcelona, Spain are amazing cities if history is something that speaks to you.
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby The_Un1que » 08 Jan 2016 13:49

Refugee camps across Europe D:
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Re: Good places for kids to visit on EU?

Postby BoogieM » 08 Jan 2016 15:53

I think the best bet would be something related to the medieval towns & some museums on that note (London could be a good starting point as it is well-known tourist attraction with some excellent museums on this theme but I'd go more for less known marbles) Or maybe you'd like to go further in history - romans&greeks? so Italy & Greece - Rome and Athens are well known tourist attractions. That would be something interesting for kids and not available in the US.
You should start browsing for tops X towns related to this subject. Something like: http://www.bigboytravel.com/europe/topmedievalcities/
This would probably give kids of most ages and sex something interesting to see.
Maybe you can time it somehow to visit some medieval festival where they have battle recreations (for instance in my country Romania there's this one: https://www.google.ro/search?q=festival ... AT8QsAQIOQ). Maybe the kids would like to play dress-up and try some costumes/armors if available and possible...(not sure if this is possible or not).

As a hidden gem ... If you want some time on the beach as well as something to visit I'd recommend Greece. Corfu was the best experience for me although you would need to spend quite a few days there if you go. You have everything there: long sandy beaches with warm shallow waters for tens of meters into the see (towards the continental Greece and Paris's Albania) and on the other side small and rocky bays with cold water (toward the Mediterranean sea). There's an old english fort, port and the nice town of Kerkira to visit as well as princess Sisi's summer vacation house(now a museum) and some interesting "top of the mountain" views over the island etc... I'd recommend a 1 day tour of the island and a 1/2 day boat trip to the nearby smaller islands if you do want to pick this as a destination.
Probably Italy's seaside would also be a good pick - Pasta might be able to help you out with this (?) and recommend some, not so popular, sites if you're not looking for the most renowned tourist attractions.
Spain would also be a good pick. Everyone recommended me to skip Barcelona but instead go for Valencia. Everyone that went there came back with great memories wanting to revisit it. I've heard it has everything you'd want in a vacation location: the beach, music, history, culture and food.
Oh yes... Do try the local specialties wherever you go. At least for me this is one of the must do in every vacation!

I also liked Holland. Loved to move around in the water-buses and quick tours of the city centers of Rotterdam and Amsterdam. I liked the old windmill towns and plan to visit the country again during the tulip & flower festival... but more for my wife than myself :). However, this might be a bit more tiresome than fun for kids ... depends on their age I guess.
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