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Remmke's Caleb Voice Pack

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Remmke's Caleb Voice Pack

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 16 Apr 2016 19:20

Made this when i was bored. Contains voice fragments from Caleb (Blood and Blood 2: The Chosen)

Example battle:

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Re: Remmke's Caleb Voice Pack

Postby Palantyre » 28 May 2016 23:41


I was wondering, were you aware that your voice packs are included in Aslain's modpack?
See, I also made a Blood voice pack a few years ago, and it was also briefly included in Aslain's pack before the game changed its sound engine in 9.13 and made mine obsolete. (RIP, I really miss that thing.)

The reason I'm butting in here to bring this up is that the mod description in Aslain's installer still uses my notes, the sound preview is still from my mod and the "mod's website" link still points to my thread on Aslain's forum.

Now, I wanna point out that I'm absolutely not here to complain or demand things or to go all "MUH COPYRITES" or anything. I originally made my mod mainly for personal use and merely posted in on Aslain's forum on a lark one day, so I'm not really concerned.
I'm merely curious as to whether you're aware of the (admittedly not very significant) situation and bringing it to your attention just in case you, for example, think the installer isn't crediting you properly and wanna contact Aslain about it or something.

I realize it's also possible you just don't give a shit, which would be perfectly reasonable as well. :P
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