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Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2015 02:05
by ShrubberyCollector
veitileiN wrote:i thought about starting to do some yoga, has anyone experience with it and can maybe gib some basics/stuff to look for/and so on? :likeasear:
research the benefits first before calling me a :brati: pls <3

phpBB [video]

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2015 08:03
by _GLaDOS

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2015 14:17
by Kolbur

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 14:20
by ShrubberyCollector
So yeah guys, i was having a bit of a break from workout and now i pretty much have to start off from scratch.

I'm intending to do a Full-body (GK) every two 2 days:

    warm up: 10min crosstrainer and soon the treadmill once i gain some stamina again. Right now 10min would kill me.
    reversed butterfly
    musculus erector spinae (that's what the dictonary says)(Ger: Rückenstrecker)
    chest press
    cool down: 20min of whatever suits me the most at the time

I do every machine with 15 repetitions per and the whole process 3 times in a row with ~1min break between each. Sounds pretty standard but for me it works fine. I'm currently aiming to regain some muscle mass and built up stamina. Any suggestions on machines i should add? Personally i don't feel confident enough yet to go into the weightlifting area, i just look like a weakling between all the bulls.

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 19:40
by wetlioN
stahp machining, start doing chin-ups, deadlift, squats

you dont need 2 exercises for the chest, its a rly small muscle:
i recommend:
military press
some kind of abs-exercise

go harder like vladimir putin and do 8-10 reps
dont get insecure, do the right exercises from the start, watch them on youtube and ask the trainers for the right movements

also considering your exercises:

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 19:49
by RedlineRailgunningRemmel
veitileiN wrote:you dont need 2 exercises for the chest, its a rly small muscle:


Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 19:50
by wetlioN
Remmke wrote:
veitileiN wrote:you dont need 2 exercises for the chest, its a rly small muscle:


well, compared to other muscles :sealmato:

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 20:14
by Kolbur
veitileiN wrote:
Remmke wrote:
veitileiN wrote:you dont need 2 exercises for the chest, its a rly small muscle:


well, compared to other muscles :sealmato:


Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 20:32
by ShrubberyCollector
Meh, i like machines

Welp, the chest is only in my set-up because the excersise uses the triceps as supportive muscle. And i never skip legs so don't worry about that part.

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:06
by wetlioN
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Meh, i like machines

Welp, the chest is only in my set-up because the excersise uses the triceps as supportive muscle. And i never skip legs so don't worry about that part.

you havent mentioned any leg exercise
and skip machines

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:09
by ShrubberyCollector
veitileiN wrote:
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Meh, i like machines

Welp, the chest is only in my set-up because the excersise uses the triceps as supportive muscle. And i never skip legs so don't worry about that part.

you havent mentioned any leg exercise
and skip machines

My bad, i wanted to say leg press instead of bench press (dunno why i mixed up both). And on a serious note, what are the benefits compared to machines?

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:15
by wetlioN
ShrubberyCollector wrote:
veitileiN wrote:
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Meh, i like machines

Welp, the chest is only in my set-up because the excersise uses the triceps as supportive muscle. And i never skip legs so don't worry about that part.

you havent mentioned any leg exercise
and skip machines

My bad, i wanted to say leg press instead of bench press (dunno why i mixed up both). And on a serious note, what are the benefits compared to machines?

stabilization muscles are included, especially the core muscles are rly being used, natural movements, less GAY

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:16
by ShrubberyCollector
Maybe some day, for now i'm happy with the results that i get from machines.

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:20
by wetlioN
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Maybe some day, for now i'm happy with the results that i get from machines.

i also made the mistakes of doing this shit for too long, pls listen to a guy who also did this mistake, go for the real stuff right away
i think i also fucked up my shoulders with those machines :(

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:22
by ShrubberyCollector
veitileiN wrote:
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Maybe some day, for now i'm happy with the results that i get from machines.

i also made the mistakes of doing this shit for too long, pls listen to a guy who also did this mistake, go for the real stuff right away

So, what is it that can go wrong?

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:24
by wetlioN
ShrubberyCollector wrote:
veitileiN wrote:
ShrubberyCollector wrote:Maybe some day, for now i'm happy with the results that i get from machines.

i also made the mistakes of doing this shit for too long, pls listen to a guy who also did this mistake, go for the real stuff right away

So, what is it that can go wrong?

i dont know why you are questioning it, just go for the stuff the guys did already 50 years ago. it works, dont be bitchy about going to the barbell area
just google or youtube maschine oder freihanteln if you are rly that desperate. otherwise lift dem barbells mr sexii (I am actually spelling it out although "fgt" is much shorter and easier)

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 21:39
by ShrubberyCollector
veitileiN wrote:i dont know why you are questioning it, just go for the stuff the guys did already 50 years ago. it works, dont be bitchy about going to the barbell area


Sir, i'm just asking questions.

I'm just being curious why you are insisting so much on me not doing machines, that's why i ask you. I haven't done anything else yet rather than machines just because i felt like it's the best to begin with. All i ask you is to explain me why you think that machines < your suggestions are so much better.

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2015 23:22
by wetlioN
youre breaking my balls here ... p5?t=22999

phpBB [video]

i wouldnt do machines longer than a few weeks rly, just take very low weight first and learn the right movement of real gud compound exercises like ive written above

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2015 01:37
by ShrubberyCollector
veitileiN wrote:youre breaking my balls here ... p5?t=22999

phpBB [video]

i wouldnt do machines longer than a few weeks rly, just take very low weight first and learn the right movement of real gud compound exercises like ive written above

Thank you kased ventil, finally something to backup your argumentation. It makes a lot more sense now.

Re: stronk sports thread

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2015 11:46
by burnzilla
karl ess :dildo: *strong vein popping out*

even if the reference sucks because ks is a huuuuuge mr sexiі (haven't watched the vid), i support the idea of doing more complex excercises over only machines simply because you use more energy and muscles
per excercise than with all those isolated machines. machines are not bad at all, but you should try a plan where you do some "grundübungen" and complete the workout with machines if necessary not the other way around.

pro's of more complex excercises:
you need to use more muscles to stabilize the primarily working muscles and therefore burn more energy/train your whole body more efficiently than by working on some isolated machine where u only use 1 or 2 muscles at a time.
f.e. when doing squats u need ur calves, stomach, back and primarily the legs - basically the whole body and it's only 1 excercise.

so this means when your workout consists out of 3-5 such whole body excercises you put a much bigger strain on your body than by doing 3-5 isolated excercises.
since the main goal is to lose fat (which means you build up a calory deficit per day (burn more than you gib ur body)) and build up some muscles, there is no better way than to train your whole body 2 or 3 times a week (depending on your physical capabilities) by doing complex excercises.

simply put: for the effort you put in while u're in the gym, complex excercises give you the most gains and burn the most calories. it is the most efficient.
we can talk about more details on ts if you're interested and i can look for a beginner plan for you.

ps: don't care about the mr sexii (I am actually spelling it out although "fgt" is much shorter and easier)'s in the gym looking at are in the gym to work on yourself, for yourself, by yourself.