I've got something for those other team Mr. Sexiis:
Btw. which team are you in? So I can join team IDEAL
Edit: I just realized, I can farm a pokespot from my workplace
Orrie wrote:Captured my 2nd gym, as my first one was roughly raped (or so I presume, as you can't really see out of bound gyms yet)
Got like 9 eggs that needs hatching, but I really hate the threshold they have on kilometers.
With my fitness clock, I biked ~7km yesterday, but it only counted as 2-3km on the PGO.
Progresso Day 2: (Will probably bike out a trip before night)
Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
McMokka wrote:seems like those errors are more common on iphones.
Paris_Hilton wrote:You have to grow balls and deal with the dicks or you end up being the pussy.
According to Reddit, one way to fix a frozen "Pokemon Go" screen, is to turn off LTE on an iPhone. Go to your phone's cellular menu, choose cellular data options, click on enable LTE, and then swipe it off. This should significantly reduce freezing.
Kriegerseele wrote:Thats my progress after 3 days, i am not so acknowledged in pokemon so it would be nice if you could say which i should upgrade and focus on or if there is a pokemon with low wp but big potential, i dont know that things. Would be nice to know which pokemons have the most potential in my set and if there is a really rare pokemon i dont even know its rare
TheGayMingLion wrote: yes i fap
veitileiN wrote:i have a sweaty ballsack just sitting here.
Skaruim wrote:Injected 3 marijuana's, turned gay and almost died
Xen wrote: I wish I could suck my own cock