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tank discussion

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Re: tank discussion

Postby H311fi5h » 22 Feb 2015 14:20

Either way, you can grind it in skirmish. And I'm pretty sure it will be 13 90, wouldn't make any sense to do it different.
Thinking about it, the ultimate troll would be to unlock it from the Lorraine, just like KV-13 goes to same tier T-43 >:D
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Re: tank discussion

Postby CandyVanMan » 23 Feb 2015 17:41

I need to play my KV-2 more often :O
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Thoryk » 23 Feb 2015 17:49

CandyVanMan wrote:I need to play my KV-2 more often :O

I watched it 4 times already ... pure awesome. If you want a KV-2 toon, just ask me (and/or Browser_PL).
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Re: tank discussion

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 23 Feb 2015 18:08

Awesome, however as with the T49 i only had more troll moments then rape moments :D.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Rabidal » 19 Apr 2015 21:59

Can you guys give me some tipps how I should play my Su-101? It feels like a step back than a step forward compared to the Su-100M1.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby TheGamingLion » 19 Apr 2015 22:46

Rabidal wrote:Can you guys give me some tipps how I should play my Su-101? It feels like a step back than a step forward compared to the Su-100M1.

Like a german medium tank.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Marliini » 19 Apr 2015 22:47

Rabidal wrote:Can you guys give me some tipps how I should play my Su-101? It feels like a step back than a step forward compared to the Su-100M1.

Now you are scaring me. I'm not enjoying even the SU-100M1
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Tjappi0 » 20 Apr 2015 13:59

Rabidal wrote:Can you guys give me some tipps how I should play my Su-101? It feels like a step back than a step forward compared to the Su-100M1.

Little dpm machine with basically 0 armor. Treat it that way, dont expect to bounce anything.
Which means you should play 2nd line or a sneaky as fuck flanker. Your rotation is really fast so you can go around corners agressivly knowing the enemy isn't facing you.

Basically bushwanking to the max and a bit more mobile in the late stages of the game. Your camo is quite good I think, it's a td so it should be better then other 'regular' tanks anyways.
Your gun lacks the pen for T10's but shouldn't really struggle vs most T9's. Atleast not from their side's that is. Front is always a bit tricky but thats not where you want to be in the first place.

You can take that playstyle up to the 122-54, altho that gun is really good (lacks the acc but thats a different story)
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Thoryk » 20 Apr 2015 14:27

The top gun on the SU-101 has 330 pen with heat, so I don't think that is a problem even in tier 10 matches.

The real issues are:

- no gun depression
- low hp
- did I already mention the gun depression?
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Tjappi0 » 20 Apr 2015 15:15

Thoryk wrote:The top gun on the SU-101 has 330 pen with heat, so I don't think that is a problem even in tier 10 matches.

The real issues are:

- no gun depression
- low hp
- did I already mention the gun depression?

Assuming you don't need gold cus you got skillz. If you lack skills you can use gold >:D
You can stick your ass against rocks or houses to create gun depression. Knowing the terrain/maps you should know where to go or where not to go.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Keezoo » 20 Apr 2015 16:25

Rabidal wrote:Can you guys give me some tipps how I should play my Su-101? It feels like a step back than a step forward compared to the Su-100M1.

I'm currently grinding the su101 and loving it <3 I personally play it as a very passive td, basically just play it in a supportive role because of the tanks low health if you get spotted you will lose half your health ;( . If you can take advantage of the tanks insane dpm its deadly. With the bad gun depression, you just have to know where you can and cant go, but you can make it work ;)
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Rabidal » 20 Apr 2015 18:39

Thx guys, I will try to use your tipps and maybe I can enjoy the Su-101 now more <3
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Re: tank discussion

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 03 May 2015 13:13

So finally had the chance to play the AMX-30 with the top gun now..... So im nearly at 3k avg dmg and i guess it wont be that hard to reach 3.5k with this insane rld. The tank is like a less agile PTA but with a faster reload. You NEED clutch braking and snapshot on this tank but dont have it yet.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby wetlioN » 03 May 2015 13:14

Remmke wrote:So finally had the chance to play the AMX-30 with the top gun now..... So im nearly at 3k avg dmg and i guess it wont be that hard to reach 3.5k with this insane rld. The tank is like a less agile PTA but with a faster reload. You NEED clutch braking and snapshot on this tank but dont have it yet.

it turns like a bitch. i like my pta more, but i had some crappy first games in the amx 30.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby Brati007 » 03 May 2015 13:16

Remmke wrote:So finally had the chance to play the AMX-30 with the top gun now..... So im nearly at 3k avg dmg and i guess it wont be that hard to reach 3.5k with this insane rld. The tank is like a less agile PTA but with a faster reload. You NEED clutch braking and snapshot on this tank but dont have it yet.

you are the first one to say this, until now everyone said leo > amx 30 but i have no clue QQ
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Re: tank discussion

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 03 May 2015 13:30

Guess it comes down how used you are to the tank, its like the Type59. At first it sucks with the sloppy aimtime, acceleration and accuracy but once you figure out how to play it, its awesome. I had the same with the AMX-30, its bad traverse speed is a pain in the nuts but nothing a little adjustment to the playstyle can't fix. And is it me or is this gun more accurate than the PTAs?

What really kills it though are those around the corner city fights against other meds, you get outaimed but even more killing ... outturned. ;(
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Re: tank discussion

Postby H311fi5h » 03 May 2015 13:38

I prefer the AMX-30 over both the Type 61 and the Leopard PTA. The gun is really good, just two things annoy me: For once the awful traverse. The tanks is fast, but feels really sluggish if you have to maneuver. And second, who he hell thought a fuel tank in the front right next to the driver was a good idea??? In 50 battles I burned down 3 times because double fires... M46 is still best of the bunch. But I'm generally not a fan of tanks with no armor. Might just as well drive a light tank.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby wetlioN » 03 May 2015 14:05

btw what does the amx have over the type61? DansGame
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Re: tank discussion

Postby H311fi5h » 03 May 2015 14:16

Mobility, Camo, low profile, a little dpm and most importantly, you hit what you aim for. I really disliked the Type for this. With the PTA and AMX you will hit if you aim. With the M46 you won't always hit, but you don't need to aim. With the Type 61 you fully aim for half an eternity and still miss.
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Re: tank discussion

Postby wetlioN » 03 May 2015 15:46

for a medium which needs to snapshot and not rely on armor

agility >>> top speed

thats why i dont feel the amx30 right now. :(
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