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Corona autism

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Re: Corona autism

Postby TheDrownedApe » 12 Mar 2020 12:16

So I am unwell.

My trip to the rugby on Sat with my brother-in-law might have not been the best idea. He buys a lot of steel and therefore travels around a lot and his most recent trip included India, Indonesia and Vietnam (early Feb).

Wed morn I get a message that he has flu-like symptoms and a high temp. He calls 111 to be asked if he has been to China or Italy or in contact with any confirmed case; clearly all no answers yet his contact tracing is impossible due to his worldwide travel etc. He is self isolating and that's about it.

I haven't called yet as I don't have a high temp but have sore throat, slight cough and general meh.

However, if I do develop a temp then what? Ok I call 111 and they ask me the same Qs they asked him. Well he isn't a confirmed case and unless he is tested he never will be therefore I never will be tested or confirmed. The only way we will become part of the statistic is if get tested and I never see that happening. In 1/2 weeks he will be back to normal.

So it won't be until someone becomes very ill and gets tested that that individual will have their contact history traced and it might come back to me or him.

How many of our population will ever know whether they had it or not? I suspect this is why their are sudden jumps in the number of cases as they only test areas when something serious happens.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby AngelofAwe » 12 Mar 2020 12:22

The good news are soar throat isn't really a common symptom of COVID so could just be a cold or regular flu.
The bad news are that it seems rather common that people get "a cold" which they quickly recover from and then they suddenly get hit with COVID like a sledgehammer out of nowhere.

You're right there's no way you'll get tested though. Not unless you develop severe pneumonia and are hospitalized OR your brother in law is confirmed as a case.

However if you say he was traveling in early February I'd say you're safe. If he was home all of March the incubation time of the virus doesn't fit with the traveling.
But you could of course both have caught it at that event you went to as well if somebody infected was next to you.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby McMokka » 12 Mar 2020 18:02

AngelofAwe wrote:5 days later.


Where do you take the screenshots from? The numbers seem to be higher than from the sources I find
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Bronn1 » 12 Mar 2020 19:58

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Re: Corona autism

Postby Paris_Hilton » 13 Mar 2020 20:44

denmark soon to close its borders - fking immigrants stay out Kappa
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Re: Corona autism

Postby AngelofAwe » 16 Mar 2020 13:13

Here's some new "paint graphics" of the development since the outbreak outside of China really got rolling.
16.3 update comes around midnight CET+1 but will no longer feature all countries with over >149 cases as this did so far because... well there are too many now.

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Re: Corona autism

Postby TheDrownedApe » 16 Mar 2020 21:45

Well I'm isolating now. My "sniffle" has turned into a dry cough. It's not like a normal cough but kinda weak and just similar to a tickle in my throat. I can (and mostly do) work from home anyway.

I'm not the shirking or malingering type but my moral compass is saying "do the right thing" and I think in this case it's don't go to work.....feels weird
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Dr_Oolen » 16 Mar 2020 22:11

TheDrownedApe wrote:Well I'm isolating now. My "sniffle" has turned into a dry cough. It's not like a normal cough but kinda weak and just similar to a tickle in my throat. I can (and mostly do) work from home anyway.

I'm not the shirking or malingering type but my moral compass is saying "do the right thing" and I think in this case it's don't go to work.....feels weird
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Re: Corona autism

Postby gigeli » 17 Mar 2020 12:30

I am a little allergic to some pollen of certain tree species currently having their blooming period. It makes me insanely paranoid as the beginning of the Covid symptoms are very much alike.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Leg3n_d » 17 Mar 2020 18:11

Its probably common knowledge by now but Please be careful when handling money guys (coins and paper). Covid 19 can live on money and money often get transfered to and from person to person.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby BeneficialCucumber » 17 Mar 2020 20:45

Leg3n_d wrote:Its probably common knowledge by now but Please be careful when handling money guys (coins and paper). Covid 19 can live on money and money often get transfered to and from person to person.

While various sources report SARS-CoV-2 may "survive" on certain materials like plastic or steal up to 72 hours, it is very unlikely to get an infection just by handling money.
Be careful with applying those results of tests under laboratory conditions to real life. The concentration of virus decreases rapidly from hour to hour.
However you should still be careful and switch to contactless payment whenever possible to eradicate any risk.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby dacorny » 18 Mar 2020 13:56

The most important thing is to wash your hands and keep them away from nose and mouth.
And maybe some hygene tisues with you, if needed.

I dont think there is much more you can do, expect of reducing social contacts.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Dr_Oolen » 18 Mar 2020 14:02

dacorny wrote:The most important thing is to wash your hands and keep them away from nose and mouth.
And maybe some hygene tisues with you, if needed.

I dont think there is much more you can do, expect of reducing social contacts.
in ideal reducing social contact is hard... hard to reduce 0 Kappa
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Re: Corona autism

Postby peregrine » 18 Mar 2020 15:19

Guess we have to limit ts to one person to channel.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby BeneficialCucumber » 18 Mar 2020 15:59

dacorny wrote:The most important thing is to wash your hands and keep them away from nose and mouth.

Reading this while touching my face Kreygasm

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Re: Corona autism

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 18 Mar 2020 16:16

dacorny wrote:The most important thing is to wash your hands and keep them away from nose and mouth.
And maybe some hygene tisues with you, if needed.

I dont think there is much more you can do, expect of reducing social contacts.

Yeah this I really stopped doing quickly. Because I deliver packets to older people too I really take extra care. We have regulations now that you need to put the packet down in front of the door and take distance and not hand over the scanner to sign anymore.

But I really am still afraid because I deliver about 40 packages a day to elderly people. So I really don't wanna fuck shit up.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby AngelofAwe » 19 Mar 2020 15:01

Non-peer reviewed study of about ~2000 people in China suggests blood groups have a small impact on how susceptible you are to the virus.

Blood type A is the worst off. Among the healthy population where this was tested blood type A makes up 32%.
Among the infected it was 38% and among the dead 41%.

Blood type O is least susceptible. 34% of the healthy population but only 25,8% of the infected.

Sample size is of course limited and all that but still interesting.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby L0IN » 19 Mar 2020 15:47

So I am basically invincible Kreygasm Kappa
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Re: Corona autism

Postby gigeli » 19 Mar 2020 17:19

TheGamingLion wrote:So I am basically invincible Kreygasm Kappa

Me too man - interesting however how blood cells interact with the virus. I mean the surface proteins of the erythrocytes aren't really the target of the virus as it cannot utilize the Erythrocyte anyway. But well, I take it - I mean if it's of an advantage to have no surface proteins (antigene A or/and B) at all, I'm happy.
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Re: Corona autism

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 19 Mar 2020 17:24

I wonder, do any of you donate blood? Because I am thinking about doing it sometime soon and I wonder what your experiences are.
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