So I am unwell.
My trip to the rugby on Sat with my brother-in-law might have not been the best idea. He buys a lot of steel and therefore travels around a lot and his most recent trip included India, Indonesia and Vietnam (early Feb).
Wed morn I get a message that he has flu-like symptoms and a high temp. He calls 111 to be asked if he has been to China or Italy or in contact with any confirmed case; clearly all no answers yet his contact tracing is impossible due to his worldwide travel etc. He is self isolating and that's about it.
I haven't called yet as I don't have a high temp but have sore throat, slight cough and general meh.
However, if I do develop a temp then what? Ok I call 111 and they ask me the same Qs they asked him. Well he isn't a confirmed case and unless he is tested he never will be therefore I never will be tested or confirmed. The only way we will become part of the statistic is if get tested and I never see that happening. In 1/2 weeks he will be back to normal.
So it won't be until someone becomes very ill and gets tested that that individual will have their contact history traced and it might come back to me or him.
How many of our population will ever know whether they had it or not? I suspect this is why their are sudden jumps in the number of cases as they only test areas when something serious happens.