by kihrEx » 30 Jan 2015 21:13
yes, but I'd rather pay a few € a month for non-toxic teammates and a proper servers, than play free on shitservers with the most toxic players & cheaters in EU.
Ofc I could play on Faceit with 128 decent servers for free, but it's almost as bad as playing MM, players are still pretty bad, and since it's free, there's no rank system on the f2p ladder (pugs) games, so you never have any idea what kinda players you get to play against / with.
ESEA has pretty nice playerbase skillwise, mostly DMG+ ranks in normal MM, and it's much more chill enviroment, few games I've played yet, but the ppl have been very friendly, no flaming, raging or anything, just good ppl having a nice time playing a good game on good servers.
EDIT: this is the reason I don't play WoT, I'd like to play Team battles, but there is no ranksystem, mostly because not so many ppl play team battles. if it had a rank system it would be much more enjoyable and pro-teams could actually profit from playing that.