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Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 10:27
by Moejestic
As Mokka seems to communicate in rather interesting ways, why not make a Thread for it.


Game from 2018, costs a pretty affordable 3,99 € on Steam (sorry for brexit people, i'm guessing that must be like a month's wage nowadays or something)
and is basically a space-themed videogame version of the board/card game Mafia/Werewolf
so the fun lies in playing it together with voice comms and people you think you know until they completely backstab you and or behave insanely irrationally.

More or less well know: IDEAL has a Group on Steam so for ease of 'how tf does one spell the name and which one of the 18463950 Users on Steam with that name are you exactly' join

Video of RTGame and Friends playing it in case you need a general idea of what this even is
phpBB [video]

Maybe mokka will be able to communicate date and time more clearly now...

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 10:53
by McMokka
though moe is rude, i am still down to play keezooW

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 12:09
by ConTroll
Haven't tried this game yet, but I do love these kind of games so I'm in :D

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 12:40
by oOColquhounOo
It looks like good fun! I'd be down

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 13:44
by troll
Didn't find any steam vouchers near me, cba going further to look for one, so I'll pick it up when my new bank account is set up. Assuming you mr sexiіs are still playing it :)

edit: nevermind, I can play. fenks mokka <3
and yes I will gift you 5e, I'm not a charity Kappa

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 14:38
by Moejestic
Dr_Badthur wrote:edit: nevermind, I can play. fenks mokka

might be the german speaking in me but it's 4e not 5 fyi.

Mokka said, he'd be up for it today, i'd be there aswell, might have to see what CW says but in doubt before and or after CW exist as a time aswell.

How about you guys?

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 14:56
by troll
moe77 wrote:might be the german speaking in me but it's 4e not 5 fyi.

yes, I know

I'm up for it today, if it suits others ofc :stopspammingthisshit:

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 17:00
by McMokka
when is CW over? will we play afterwards? can someone give me a time?

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 19:02
by feoffle_der_fachidiot
I bought it the other day so that I can join in shenanigans...

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 21:06
by Mettkrieger
Will definitely join next time. Was fun :>

Although I don't understand the game yet

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 21:52
by troll
we had a few rounds of talking, got used to it quickly. can just do that again :P

and ye, is fun Kreygasm

Re: Among mr sexiіs

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2020 21:57
by feoffle_der_fachidiot
Dr_Badthur wrote:we had a few rounds of talking, got used to it quickly. can just do that again :P

and ye, is fun Kreygasm

Still not forgiven you. ;(