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Re: Show off your pets

Postby gigeli » 19 Feb 2020 13:10

Came here for the awwwwws since I've got a stressful day - now I feel better. This thread never disappoints in providing good feelings <3
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Brati007 » 19 Feb 2020 16:48

McMokka wrote:nevermind, deleted post, take another mila-pic instead LUL


the day I deepclean the bathroom she decides to make a complete mess Kappa

how long do you have to walk to reach places like this? or was the dog using a car to get you there?
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby McMokka » 19 Feb 2020 17:06

Brati007 wrote:
McMokka wrote:nevermind, deleted post, take another mila-pic instead LUL


the day I deepclean the bathroom she decides to make a complete mess Kappa

how long do you have to walk to reach places like this? or was the dog using a car to get you there?

You can reach those places by foot, if you invest like 20 minutes. We have several small lakes in good radius, but it would be a waste to walk there with the dog. Until she is fully grown, we limit the time of the walks to around 40-50 minutes. So we usually go to those places by car, which takes only a few minutes.

We are actually looking for a new flat that combines having the trainstation in 10 minutes walking distance while also being as close as possible to forrest/field. It is not easy here, since flats in the right size are wanted here, a lot of people are looking for similar stuff. Our current landlord told us, that he had over 50 applications for our flat :thinking:
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Cheezix » 20 Feb 2020 14:15


This is my queen ant named Lacey. She is a Componotus cruentatus which is a sub species of the Carpenter Ants family. She can outlive a cat or dog, because she can get 18 years old! :dealwithit:

Currently my ant colony has grown to about 50 workers since I bought my queen in October 2018. This is a larger ant species (6 to 12 mm), so the process from egg to adult ant takes much longer compared to smaller species. This means the colony has a slow start, but in a few years it can grow to a population of >10K depending on the temperatures and amount of food I give them. The species naturally lives in warm climates in the south of Europe and in North Africa. They are quite aggressive and can spray acid when feel threatened.

I love watching them walk around in search of food or carrying around trash. Also after their hibernation period I think I even spotted a major in my terrarium underground! (when a colony is successful the queen will start spawning large soldier ants to protect the nest and those are called majors).

This is what a major looks like:


There is even a possibility of super majors which are even larger. :O

Hope you found this an interesting read. :mrgreen:
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Last edited by Cheezix on 20 Feb 2020 14:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Mettkrieger » 20 Feb 2020 14:18

Cheezix wrote:Hope you found this an interesting read. :mrgreen:

Please describe a bit more what an ant colony looks like, how you start them, what you have to do with them, etc.

Never knew you could have "pet" ants and now I'm super curious.
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Cheezix » 20 Feb 2020 14:30

Mettkrieger wrote:
Cheezix wrote:Hope you found this an interesting read. :mrgreen:

Please describe a bit more what an ant colony looks like, how you start them, what you have to do with them, etc.

Never knew you could have "pet" ants and now I'm super curious.

They are amazing creatures to have as pets and quite easy to keep! Going on holiday for 3 weeks? No problem, just give them some extra food and you're done!

Here is your answer in a video by the number one YT channel on ant keeping:

phpBB [video]

(not that I'm too lazy to write, but there is no chance I will explain it better than him)
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Mettkrieger » 20 Feb 2020 14:58

Interesting video.

But from what I saw the "burrow" or whatever you call the ant home is next to the terrarium?
Could you take some pictures from your setup?
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Cheezix » 20 Feb 2020 15:02

Mettkrieger wrote:Interesting video.

But from what I saw the "burrow" or whatever you call the ant home is next to the terrarium?
Could you take some pictures from your setup?

I have a dutch blog which has quite some pictures and one video: https://www.antforum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=12222&sid=2cf3d47a854233ffa1eac062d1f1dbf0

(I need to update it and add some recent pictures I took after hibernation beginning this month)

Also their home is called terrarium if its filled with earth (terra) or otherwise called formicarium if its made from plastic or a cast shape. You can link as many formicariums together if you want using transparent flexible pvc tubes, so there is always room for more ants.
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Last edited by Cheezix on 20 Feb 2020 15:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Mettkrieger » 20 Feb 2020 15:10


Did you basically "force" them to build their home next to the glass panel?
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Cheezix » 20 Feb 2020 15:13

Mettkrieger wrote:Did you basically "force" them to build their home next to the glass panel?

Yes and no. They naturally are attracted to heat so I placed my heating lamp on the left side. This way they can choose how far or how close they want to build their nest from the heat source. Also they don't like light inside their nest so I darken the left side of my terrarium and only peek once in a while to take a look or take a picture. This way I can observe what's going on inside the breeding chamber without scaring them away from the glass. :)
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Otto_von_HEATmarck » 05 Apr 2020 19:47

i made an insta account for my fish, leave an abo and enjoy the beauty of lazy fish
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Paris_Hilton » 13 Apr 2020 14:16

Otto_von_HEATmarck wrote:i made an insta account for my fish, leave an abo and enjoy the beauty of lazy fish

>:D lol otto
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Marliini » 13 Apr 2020 14:19

Otto_von_HEATmarck wrote:i made an insta account for my fish, leave an abo and enjoy the beauty of lazy fish

Can you get a marlin?
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Otto_von_HEATmarck » 15 Apr 2020 09:09

Marliini wrote:Can you get a marlin?

sea fish is to much trouble for such a small tank but i habe fresh water shrimps :likeasear:
Reminds me when i asked my gf which fish she would like to have and she responded: a starfish and a small octupus :smug:
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby McMokka » 15 May 2020 15:55

As of last week, Mila is 1 year old. So I thought you guys might like some pics from the last couple of weeks :)

enjoying bodycontact and bellyscratches :)

Learning to stay on the couch when the doorbell rings

stealing my pillow in the one minute it takes me in the morning to go to the bathroom and come back LUL

carrying her own leash while also waiting on each intermediate level for my ok to go further, like she was taught <3

she LOVES watching TV when animals are on the screen, especially dogs

Getting some headscratches

being weird af

doing some watersports

being REALLY proud of herself having found the only puddle far and wide LUL

This year flew by so fast <3
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby ConTroll » 26 Jun 2020 10:58

Heres Ladygrey (Named after the tea she loves playing with)

And here is Leopold (Named after an old soviet cartoon cat)

They make the perfect gaming setup :D
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby HowTheStoryEnds » 20 Dec 2020 17:49

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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 20 Dec 2020 22:59

Nice box of tissues you have there OpieOP
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Re: Show off your pets

Postby Dr_Oolen » 21 Dec 2020 10:35

Since we are doing necromancy in here...

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Re: Show off your pets

Postby HowTheStoryEnds » 23 Dec 2020 23:05

Ladygrey looks disapprovingly
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