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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 11 May 2015 09:41

hard times for DDs with BBs/Cx's getting double/triple HE dmg and smaller turning radius...
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 11 May 2015 09:47

Won't be easy for me either, my Essex does more damage than before and 1 TB squadron surely is enough to kill a BB. The turning cirlces of my prime targets tho haven't changed much so i can get used to it.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 11 May 2015 12:10

I guess we'll have to just get used to it.

Where did you take the changelog from, Shrubbs?
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Silu_0 » 11 May 2015 14:19

Torpedo planes' torpedoes damage have been increases by x3
Dive Bombers' bombs damage have been increases by x3
:Oo: Whaaaa?
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 11 May 2015 16:17

Pastaiolo wrote:I guess we'll have to just get used to it.

Where did you take the changelog from, Shrubbs?

http://forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.p ... ntry231374

http://forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.p ... ntry231295

He claims that this is from the RU guys with the public server
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 11 May 2015 18:50


So much fun, especially if you are also facing the sun on Ocean.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 12 May 2015 08:53

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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 12 May 2015 17:18

Most important feature:

Beta reward ship - US battleship (TBD)

No info about the tier, which one it is, etc yet
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 13 May 2015 11:03

https://eu.wargaming.net/support/News/N ... ch-release
Greetings Captains!

We are happy to announce the release of the 0.3.1 update for World of Warships.

The World of Warships server will be unavailable on 14/05/2015 from 03:00 to 04:30 UTC due to this update.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Your Customer Service Team
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 13 May 2015 11:06

_GLaDOS wrote:https://eu.wargaming.net/support/News/NewsItem/View/395/world-of-warships---031-patch-release
Greetings Captains!

We are happy to announce the release of the 0.3.1 update for World of Warships.

The World of Warships server will be unavailable on 14/05/2015 from 03:00 to 04:30 UTC due to this update.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Your Customer Service Team

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 13 May 2015 12:33

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 13 May 2015 13:11

Patchnotes taken from the NA server (that got the patch today already)

Update 0.3.1 Patch Notes

Signals and Achievements

A system of achievements and signal flags has been introduced. By obtaining achievements, a player earns sets of signal flags that affect a player's in-game performance. There are 10 signal types at the moment; each of them can be awarded once a day. Players can mount the earned signals on any ships: aircraft carriers have four slots for this purpose, while the other ship types have eight slots each. Each type of signal affects the ship's performance in a particular way - from giving extra Credits for a battle to slightly enhancing the maximum speed. All the signals mounted on a ship are spent when entering battle.
Along with achievements, a new feature of gift boxes has been introduced. A gift box is an object that can contain a certain amount of game items (only signal flags at this point).
Introductory Mission
A scripted training mission, available only to new players. It introduces the basics of control, firing, and game mechanics to newcomers. The introductory mission starts automatically after login--if free server resources are available. Upon completion of (or exit from) the Introductory Mission, the player is sent to Port and is set to Level 1 in their Service Record.

Teamkill Penalty System

For any actions against allies (damage to and/or destruction of an allied ship) a penalty is imposed at the end of the battle in the form of diminished amounts of Experience and Credits earned. A teamkill rating is opened for the offending player.
When the player's rating reaches a certain value, Teamkiller status is activated for the player. At this point, an equal and increasing amount of the damage the player causes to allies is reflected back at the offending player. The higher the rating, the greater the damage multiplier is.
The teamkill rating is reduced when the player damages and destroys enemy ships. The teamkill rating will decrease slightly at the end of the battle if the player takes no hostile actions against allies during the battle. When the teamkill rating becomes low enough the Teamkiller status is removed.
When calculating the teamkill rating, the type of armament used is also taken into account. The teamkill rating can be reduced by causing damage to enemies with a certain armament type; however, this reduction will only affect the rating for damage caused to allies with the same type of armament.
Players with Teamkiller status are not banned. They are only marked for the above mentioned penalties.

Tech Tree changes

New branches added: US battleships and IJN aircraft carriers have arrived!
IJN tier IX and X carriers (Taiho & Hakuryu) are temporarily removed from the tech tree.
Gaps in Japan’s tech branches have Been filled by Furutaka , tier V cruiser, and Izumo , tier IX battleship.
US tech tree branch has been changed: Bogue, tier V aircraft carrier, has been introduced to move Independence, aircraft carrier, to tier VI. Removed Saipan, tier VI aircraft carrier, from the tech tree.
Added Ishizuchi, tier IV battleship for Japan. She will not be available for purchase until an undetermined date after the release of v0.3.1 (keep your eyes peeled for news!).
Tatsuta, Japanese tier III cruiser, has been renamed to Tenryu.
Visual models of several ships have been changed. Both hulls of Tenryu, tier III cruiser for Japan, have been changed. Hulls have also been added for Omaha, US tier V cruiser, and for Ranger, US tier VII aircraft carrier.

Aviation and Aircraft Control

When an order is given to a squadron with a middle mouse-button click, the camera will focus on the squadron, in a similar way to tracking a shell or torpedo after firing.
If an aircraft carrier is destroyed, a countdown timer will be activated for all her airborne squadrons. When the countdown timer (three minutes) expires, these squadrons will be destroyed. During the countdown, the squadrons will follow the last orders given to them. When an order has been fulfilled or cannot be further fulfilled, the squadron will automatically switch to waiting on orders. All the aircraft in the squadron that were not shot down by the enemy after the destruction of their carrier ship will not be considered as lost in action in the battle results. When the battle is over, these aircraft will be automatically added to the ship without cost.
You will no longer be able to send your squadrons to escort allied ships or squadrons. Instead, you can only escort your own ship and your own squadrons, but the escorting squadrons will now automatically engage enemy squadrons that come within 1.5 km.
Attack aircraft / fighter squadrons that are out of ammunition can only be ordered to follow the player's ship or squadrons.
For attack aircraft squadrons, we added a visual indication to inform the player that it is impossible to cancel or redirect a squadron's attack after it has started. In such situations, the torpedo cone or bomb delivery ellipse will be yellowed.

Game Balance Changes

Now plating and construction steel are also treated as armor for the purpose of shell ballistics calculation.
Arming threshold has been raised for AP shells.
Penetration threshold has been lowered for HE shells.
Damage from HE shells has been reassessed upwards and penetrating hit damage has been increased.
Ship combat capability will no longer be decreased because of close HE shell explosions; these explosions will only damage affected ship modules.
Torpedoes' visibility from the air has been reduced.
Both reloading time and action time of the Damage Control Party ability has been increased for battleships.
The action time of Damage Control Party will be 20 seconds for US battleships, 10 seconds for Japanese battleships, and 15 seconds for Warspite, tier VI UK battleship.
Patrol area dimensions have been increased for catapult-launched reconnaissance aircraft.
The Repair Party ability will become available on tier IX and X heavy cruisers.
Damage from HE bombs has been increased.
Reload time of all 610 mm torpedo tubes has been decreased.
Damage to main battery turrets has been decreased.
The ship mobility system has been improved. Now turning circle radius and dynamics are more dependent on the displacement, engine power, and the linear dimensions and proportions.
With addition of many new ships with different armor structure there were a lot of issues reported regarding incorrect armor numbers displayed in Port. The armor UI was temporarily removed, and we will bring it back after reworking.

Individual Ships

The main battery firing rate has been increased for Yamato, Japan’s tier X Battleship.
Smoke and the Smoke Generator Charge ability have been added for Kitakami, Japan’s tier VII cruiser.
The main battery rate of fire has been increased for Baltimore, USA’s tier IX cruiser.
Mogami and Myoko have swapped places on Japan's tech tree. Now Mogami tests at tier VIII while Myoko is at tier VII.
Both the main battery firing rate and combat capability have been increased for Zao, Japan’s tier X cruiser.
Aiming speed ​​of the main battery guns has been increased for Fuso, Japan’s battleship at tier VI.
AA armament has been weakened for Fuso, Japan’s battleship at tier VI.
AA armament has been weakened for Kongo, tier V Japanese battleship.
Accuracy of 140 mm guns secondary battery has been reduced for Nagato, Japan’s battleship at tier VII.
Warspite, tier VI UK Premium battleship..
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 13 May 2015 14:29

Almost like a Nelson. I will grind the fuck out of my amagi to get this beatuy:


A-140J2, "Izumo", T9 BB

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 14 May 2015 08:14

2.6 gigeli-byte to download :P
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 14 May 2015 09:18

Pastaiolo wrote:2.6 gigeli-byte to download :P

Took me about 5min. The damn installation process doe takes forever.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Silu_0 » 14 May 2015 11:36

I've heard the new version of aim mod is up and working just fine. Anyone to confirm this?
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 14 May 2015 12:44

No idea.

First battle with the Wyoming, 100k damage :D

AP are working more like they should now, if you angle the ship they will barely deal damage. You can even see them go ricochet
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 14 May 2015 15:42

Aslains modpack isn't working quite as it should. Suddenly i couldn't open the tabulator menu and the result screen at the end of battles wasn't loading. Now i have to re-install my game because removing the mods only results in not being able to reboot the client.

All of that just for the rising sun flags and the perma 'alt' information hovering above ships.

Btw since i couldn't see my result screen:


Wyoming confirmed average
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Re: World of Warships

Postby SYN_Kollwitz » 15 May 2015 18:22


new xp record?
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Re: World of Warships

Postby kihrEx » 15 May 2015 18:39

fuck me I wan't dat premium time QQ
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