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World of Warships

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 16 May 2015 09:58

Koll's fault as usual
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 16 May 2015 17:52

You guys like the Colorado? Might be the shitty teams but i haven't had a single victory with it

You get less guns, they turn slower, the reload is lower, the rudder is more sluggish, the range is more or less the same, the speed is the same, the armor is the same, the AA is better.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 18 May 2015 15:11

Is there a point in playing something else than BBs in 0.3.1? They turn better than DDs, can now easily dodge torps vom 2km range, cant get penned by CL/DD. They even turn faster than the torp bombers fly...
I would call it Need for Speed Battleship Drift nowadays

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Silu_0 » 18 May 2015 15:44

well you can play in some spammy Cruiser and spam BBs with HE causing fires every second salvo.

There is an equal amount of threads on forum about BBs being too powerful dodging torps and such and BBs being useless getting spammed by CAs and DDs with HE. Go figure.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 18 May 2015 15:55

Well, you shouldnt fix one broken mechanic (nearly useless torps) with another broken one (HE-fire-spam). Wouldnt help for the japs anyways btw.
But since its still just closed beta, I hope they will correct it soon.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Silu_0 » 18 May 2015 16:17

Turning change hit DDs indeed (and Carriers), especially Japanese ones that rely on longer range torp runs and have no real gun firepower to speak of.

HE changes made Cruisers viable against BBs though, as HE does quite a lot of damage per hit + fires = huge accumulative dmg. Spammy cruiser can eat a BB from 100% now if he's smart enough to dodge a salvo or two in the process.

Generally the turning change made the game more arcady. BBs were turning unrealistically fast pre-patch too but it was good for a gameplay. Now they move almost like motorboats.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 22 May 2015 11:56

Minipatch today, nothing relevant balance wise

Patch Notes
Fixed erroneous display icons of the ships in the "Exterior" tab
Fixed erroneous national flag icons of the ship in the "Exterior" tab when you switch to another ship
Fixed not displaying the level of allied ships in the results screen
Fixed error where sometimes explosive shells would ignore armor
Fixed bug which limits the maximum range of Battleships shells on Aurora
Fixed incorrect display of the speed of projectiles by pressing "Alt," as it did not reflect the type of shell
Fixed a bug that allowed players to follow an enemy squadron in the camera transition to tracking their own squadron
Fixed time to capture the base on the map Hot Spot in capture mode with one base
Fixed offset of values displayed in the results screen for the allied team
Fixed animation error displaying fluctuations of flags on flagpoles
Removed an invisible barrier on the map Fault Line
Fixed a bug that caused ships in motion and viewing in binocular mode to twitch when ships were detected
Reflections of landscape objects are no longer displayed when you select the low graphics preset
Fixed a bug where small ships were not seen in the camera at maximum distance
Added new sounds
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 24 May 2015 16:54

First battle with the DM, and wasn't that exceptional either

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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 28 May 2015 17:54

Looks like some selected players with stronk carrier stats will get another carrier for free to test tomorrow.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 29 May 2015 10:53

Pastaiolo wrote:Looks like some selected players with stronk carrier stats will get another carrier for free to test tomorrow.

I doubt anyone would have fun with an alt spread like this on IJN TB squads:
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 04 Jun 2015 17:52

Tomorrow another mini patch should come

Patch notes:
Fixed a bug which caused changes to 127mm AA-guns of Fuso not being shown in the ship’s characteristics.
Fixed a bug in aiming mechanics that caused missing stationary ships
Fixed a bug of the matchmaker which incorrectly balances game in the "Standard Battle" and "Domination"
Added a prototype of an after-battle survey – thank you for helping us make the game better by answering the questions!
Fixed a bug that caused some effects disappearing with camera turning
Decreased speed for dive bombers & torpedo bombers under attack, increasing the fighters' effectiveness. Flight speed for unloaded planes is 25% higher than for loaded. Speed of planes under attack is 25% lower than loaded planes.
Movement changes: new turn radiuses
Fixed a “ship sticking spot” in square G2 on Fault Line map.
Changed economic settings for ships Myoko and Mogami by fixing income errors. Credits are now earned in correspondence with the economic model.
"Pyroman" skill effectiveness lowered: Chance of setting your opponent on fire changed from +5% to +3%
Changed bombs and torpedoes on Japanese aircraft. Torpedoes: Tier IV-VII now have Type 91 Mod1A torpedoes with a maximum damage of 8,567; Tier VIII-X now have Type 91 Mod2A torpedoes with a maximum damage of 10,700. Bombs used for all tiers are Type99 N25 Mod1 with a maximum damage of 4,600
Balance changes:
Lowered damage for HE shells by 11.5% - 15.8%.
Lowered amount of AP shell ricochets by decreasing the ricochet angle to 5 degrees.

Improved client performance – some random client freezes are now fixed
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 10 Jun 2015 15:13

asian wows news: http://worldofwarships.asia/en/news/com ... to-follow/

The Closed Beta Test will be undergoing another round of wipes very soon as we take one step closer to Open Beta and the eventual release of World of Warships. To create fair conditions for everyone who will join after the start of Open Beta, all progress will be removed, such as credits earned and ships purchased,

However, there are significant benefits to those who have participated actively in the testing. Here are the following benefits of your labour to reap:

Account Level will be partially restored based on the number of battles you fought.

Signal flags will be partially restored based on the number of battles you fought.

Two experienced commanders will await you in your port with a certain amount of free skills. This amount is dependent on your participation in the testing phase. These commanders will be at your service on Tier I US and IJN vessels until an appropriate account level is unlocked. At that point you can retain these two gentlemen to command any ship you desire for free.

Note: Contents of any purchased pre-order packages will be invoiced to your account after the wipe, as previously stated in the package description and on our portal. Iwaki Alpha will be restored to your port if you received this ship for your participation in the Closed Alpha phase. Please note that you will receive only the ship – modifications and crew will be wiped.

CBT Reward: USS Arkansas

Being a Beta Tester is all about sticking with the game for the long haul, and we're fortunate to have some very loyal players with us while we tighten the screws and polish the game in time for release.

To reward those of you who have been sailing the seas and battling online foes throughout the Closed Beta, all players that have participated in at least 50 battles will receive the USS Arkansas, a unique warship not available anywhere else.


USS Arkansas is one of the brightest examples of U.S. battleships. While having relatively a low speed of travel and firing range, Arkansas is characterized by good manoeuvrability, well-armoured citadel, and anti-torpedo defense system. She is equipped with anti-aircraft armaments and multiple primary guns. Not only that, the ship will also be painted in a unique camouflage scheme to make it stand out whenever it leaves your port.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby ShrubberyCollector » 10 Jun 2015 17:20

I haven't played for a while. How are the recent changes affecting the game play? By quick overviewing the hot topics in the general forum section i figured that many people moan about cv's being broken.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 10 Jun 2015 18:31

Glados, we finally found a way to make you play in a BB then :P

Shrubbs, no idea. Looks alright, but muricans lack the punch and japs have all the pew pew.

Check your account tho, good carrier players received the tier 10 jap carrier for free i believe. Maybe you also have it

Oh, patch tomorrow:

New “Conquest" game mode added:

Tier V-X battles
Fault Line Map (only)
The decision to implement the mode on other maps will be based on players’ feedback and game statistics.
Mechanics: Similar to Domination mode, but points are acquired ONLY by area control.
Destruction of enemy ships does not influence the amount of VPs.

Movement Dynamic changes:

Destroyers: Turning dynamic slightly changed. Turn radius for full speed remains unchanged (more or less); For reduced speed turn radii are slightly reduced.
Ship acceleration and deceleration changed.
Acceleration to full speed is now slower overall.
Deceleration remains unchanged, but it will now be affected by Upgrade influencing acceleration.


Fixed a bug causing the client to crash at the attempt to re-login into the game, if the player was in the battle and in the squad before disconnect.
Fixed a bug making the line "The ship is in Battle..." sometimes appear when leaving the battle, and the ship could have been selected as an active.
Fixed a bug causing a long loading time for the North map on certain computer configurations.
Fixed a bug causing client to crash when the player tries to click "Yes" button several times to confirm purchase of the ship, experience transfer, purchase of the slot, sale of the ship or exchange of gold to credits.
Fixed a bug causing abnormal aircraft torpedoes course trajectory at automatic torpedo attack in some cases (for example when attacked from the front of the attacked ship).
Fixed a bug that caused ship geometry artifacts to appear as oddly shaped objects (usually grey).
Damage of bombs and torpedoes increased for US aircraft carriers.
Top Bogue / Stock Independence:

Torpedo damage increased from 5900 to 8500
Bomb damage increased from 3300 to 5400
Top Independence / Ranger / Stock Lexington:

Torpedo damage increased from 8500 to 9867
Bomb damage increased from 5400 to 7500
Stock Hakuryu: One torpedo squadron replaced by a bomber squadron

Please note that Taiho, Hakuruyu and Ishizuchi are currently being tested and are available only to a limited amount of players.

Torpedo damage for carriers Shokaku, Taiho, Hakuryu decreased from 10700 to 8567
Turret rotation speed of battleship Izumo increased to 4.5 degrees per sec
Secondary battery range for battleships Izumo and Yamato increased to 7 km
Turret rotation speed increased and main caliber gun spread decreased for battleship Ishizuchi
Reduced battle level spread for the battleship Ishizuchi (should meet Tiers IV-V)
Decreased percentage of ricochets of large-caliber (battleship main battery) projectiles
In "Conquest" added clarification on the loading screen, regarding amount of points given for base capture
Fixed text appears as technical information (localization identifiers)

And changelog explaination here

http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/patch-no ... ny-volkov/
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 17 Jun 2015 15:27 (19.06.2015)
Fixed a bug that caused strange (mostly grey) geometric artifacts
Fixed a bug that increased the effectiveness of "Pyromania" skill during commander retraining
Waiting time while loading into battle increased from 15s to 30s; proportion of players connected necessary to start the countdown was increased.
Fixed description in loading screen of "Conquest" mode.
AA power of dual purpose guns of caliber > 99mm increased by 50%
Increase of AA power during the Protective Barrage time decreased by 50%
AA power decreased for following ships in all configuration:
North Carolina: Effect of 40mm AA guns decreased by 50% to 63%, depending on configuration
Iowa: Effect of 40mm AA guns decreased by 50%, effect of short range AA guns decreased by up to 50% depending on configuration.
Montana: Effect of 40mm AA guns decreased by 27.5%
Cleveland: Effect of 40mm AA guns reduced by 40%, duration and recharge of Protective Barrage reduced to normal rates.
Taiho and Hakuryu (Tier IX and X ships) are included in the tech tree of the Japanese aircraft carriers.
Air defense fire support amplification factor has been restored compared to the previous SuperTest.
Effectiveness of an average air defense aura of the Montana and North Carolina battleship has been restored compared to the previous SuperTest (40mm AA-guns).
Effectiveness of an air defense aura of the Iowa battleship increased a little bit compared to the previous SuperTest.
Network server settings have been changed, which is supposed to reduce the number of lags and picture freezes in the client.
The error leading to the ship staying active in the “In battle” mode when asking questions after the battle, and in the client localizations other than Russian and English, has been fixed.
The amount of the data stored on the server when operating with the player’s property has been reduced.
The "Conquest" mode is temporarily disabled.
The error leading to the player sometimes not being able to press the “Join the battle” button as a part of the aircraft carrier of the battleship squad has been fixed.

any idea what this could mean? :Oo:
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Re: World of Warships

Postby Pastaiolo » 17 Jun 2015 18:08

maybe something related to the amount of data transfered between the server and the client?

Anyway, there is a dev bullettin abou the next patch buuuut, it's wasn't released yet anywhere but here


So it's in russian.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby I_Manth » 18 Jun 2015 17:56

https://thearmoredpatrol.wordpress.com/ ... -features/

Does this mean OPEN beta is arriving soon? Meaning I can download the game, play without having a beta key, and have fun in ships? Or can I download, play the weekend, and get kicked out again? It's about as clear as the rules for CW.
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 18 Jun 2015 17:58

Seems to be a test server for 0.4 for the CBT:
only WoWS accounts with access to the CBT can play it

But thx for the info
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Re: World of Warships

Postby I_Manth » 18 Jun 2015 18:20

Thanks for the reply. Still no ships for me. ;(
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Re: World of Warships

Postby _GLaDOS » 18 Jun 2015 18:41

Or you could buy a prem ship, if you want it that much...
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