McMokka wrote:Stannis is dead for good. The hound is alive again because the red priest found him and brought him back (if I recall correctly, the hound proved himself innocent by combat, so it makes sense that the red priest gives him a second chance). Melissandre left stannis before he died, which should make clear, that it is final.
Red priest my ass, Brother Ray, the sellsword craven turned holy man who doesn't believe in any god... And he wasn't dead, quote he's "fucking big and hard to kill", Ray just nursed our boy Sandor back to health, and now he's going to axe the brotherhood without banners.
Stannis is gone... Stephen Dillane (the actor) been bashing the show, Brienne pretty much confirms it - he's got no purpose to unite with her as he wasn't going for anything less than the 7 kingdoms and even if they were working together she's got nada to gain from telling this to Mel and Davos (other than pissing him off), his army is gone so literally no purpose etc. RIP the king who cared... He may be alive in the books, but his story line has been absorbed by JS.
"The game must not be too fast and must not be... the enemy team must not survive and shit"
"Fuck me in the ass man"
- PENTA. The Man, The Myth, The Legend.