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Re: stronk tunes

Postby SirKipling » 01 Mar 2017 19:01

Any mr sexiis (I am actually spelling it out although "fgts" is much shorter and easier) find this nostalgic?

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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 01 Mar 2017 19:12

One of my favourite aussie rappers made a new song. It hits rather close to home in my case. It's pretty good other than that, too.

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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 01 Mar 2017 22:06

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Mongolian throat singing, weirdly nice imo. It is relaxing in WoT games as background music.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 03 Mar 2017 19:18

I know this is probably too mainstream with too many words, too little bass and too few beats for most people here, but Ed Sheeran just uploaded the entire new album on his YT channel. I really like that guy. Great singer, seems like a really likeable and relatable person, and apparently he can rap, too.

Here's the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... F9NMraL9cL

I'm only at song #8 but so far they have all been pretty good. I especially like Galway Girl because of how upbeat it is.

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Re: stronk tunes

Postby need_platoon_mates » 03 Mar 2017 23:10

Xen wrote:too mainstream with too many words, too little bass and too few beats

Indeed. I tried it and lost 3 games in a row.. D:

Since you mentioned most people here won't like it.. I am curious if there's at least one person into harder electronic stuff:
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 03 Mar 2017 23:14

ChristyMack_ wrote:Indeed. I tried it and lost 3 games in a row.. D:

its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when gaming.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Conor_Notorious_McGregor » 04 Mar 2017 00:02

Xen wrote:
ChristyMack_ wrote:Indeed. I tried it and lost 3 games in a row.. D:

its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when you have ears..
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 04 Mar 2017 00:03

Wait, there is something other than gaming in this world?
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 07:41

Conor_Notorious_McGregor wrote:its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when you have ears..

edgy, but have you listened to 90% of the music in this thread? :P its what this thread is about pretty much
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 04 Mar 2017 07:53

Xen wrote:
Conor_Notorious_McGregor wrote:its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when you have ears..

edgy, but have you listened to 90% of the music in this thread? :P its what this thread is about pretty much

I will change that! No worries!
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Conor_Notorious_McGregor » 04 Mar 2017 12:25

Xen wrote:
Conor_Notorious_McGregor wrote:its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when you have ears..

edgy, but have you listened to 90% of the music in this thread? :P its what this thread is about pretty much

After a while music repeats itself. mainstream music tends to do so at a greater frequency. rinse repeat so much so with many genres that it becomes a mantra for the musically blind.
ground breaking and radicall genre,style and composition evolutions occur rarely.

in short same old shit with different couloured tassles interests me not! There is more diversity between 2 opposing concertos of the late 17th century than exists in all pop music since its inception.
my mind craves stimulus of a dynamic nature. I am aware however that for many this is not the case and of course I appreciate and respect that taste even if I might poo poo and jest..
I enjoy all genres of music and because of the broad range of sounds and styles I enjoy I often find what others would see as fresh as rather stale and repetative. This said I understand that much of music appeals to our memories and nostlagia and certain songs or themes evoke feelings in some where it does not in others.

the best music to my palatte in the last 5 pages is the mongolian throat singing. in contrast ed sherans song.. very nice guitar playing utterly destroyed by justin beiber lyrics. sounds harsh? go look at the lyrics and then google some parts and add beieber to the search results.. same shit>?>?>?

The first mongolian throat track evokes so many feelings of deep rich bloody history in me . close your eyes.. forget the video and I hear raw and rythmic testosterone infused passion and and anger with undertones of sorrow. yet it does this with a contempory edge despite the actual simplicity of the piece.

ed ''beiber'' sheerans song the only tingling I get is from the irish feel of fiddle/flute/penny whistle which as it happens in this track is straight from a sound pack.. hard to even tell what instruments are.

. and this blows it away and i dont even like the corrs much. you can add your own ed ''beiber'' sheeran lyrics to it if you like. ''i kissed his hand then he grabbed my tits... I sucked his dongle and he slapped it in my face... tralalalla lalalalla la la laaaa

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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 12:54

Conor_Notorious_McGregor wrote:
Xen wrote:
Conor_Notorious_McGregor wrote:its not the kinda music you wanna listen to when you have ears..

edgy, but have you listened to 90% of the music in this thread? :P its what this thread is about pretty much

After a while music repeats itself. mainstream music tends to do so at a greater frequency. rinse repeat so much so with many genres that it becomes a mantra for the musically blind.
ground breaking and radicall genre,style and composition evolutions occur rarely.

in short same old shit with different couloured tassles interests me not! There is more diversity between 2 opposing concertos of the late 17th century than exists in all pop music since its inception.
my mind craves stimulus of a dynamic nature. I am aware however that for many this is not the case and of course I appreciate and respect that taste even if I might poo poo and jest..
I enjoy all genres of music and because of the broad range of sounds and styles I enjoy I often find what others would see as fresh as rather stale and repetative. This said I understand that much of music appeals to our memories and nostlagia and certain songs or themes evoke feelings in some where it does not in others.

the best music to my palatte in the last 5 pages is the mongolian throat singing. in contrast ed sherans song.. very nice guitar playing utterly destroyed by justin beiber lyrics. sounds harsh? go look at the lyrics and then google some parts and add beieber to the search results.. same shit>?>?>?

That's proper /r/iamverysmart material. I will take the bait anyway.

Of course, this is still mostly a matter of personal taste, so I hope nobody is going to get their panties in a bunch over this.

Just because something is old and you have heard it billions of times doesn't have to make it any worse or less enjoyable. Truly great art, be it a painting, a poem, or music, will outlast many generations of lesser art.

Is art generally better or worse now? There are arguments to be made for either side.

On the one hand, it's much easier for artists to get a huge platform, so every talentless moron can make it big if they're lucky enough and make whatever the average consumer (i.e. retards) like to listen to. That's why there are countless pop artists 99.99% of which are complete and utter rubbish.

On the other hand, there's something called survivorship bias. You aren't aware of the huge masses of talentless morons who existed 10, 20, 50, 100 or however many years ago, because only the ones who are actually worth remembering leave their marks in our memories and go down in history eventually.

As I said above, I believe truly great art is not only characterised by its current value but far more importantly by its longevity. All of the modern electronic crap posted in this thread is by artists and in genres who haven't been a thing for more than a year or two and have already peaked and are in decline. They're relevant for a few months at best, maybe even an entire season if they're lucky, and then they're out and fade back into irrelevance.

Then of course good music must be easy on the ear. There are multiple factors that make music more or less easy on the ear. Generally speaking, loud, chaotic, extremely harsh sounds are not very pleasant. Imagine somebody hammering the fuck out of a brake disk without any rhythm or concept or anything. Of course that's an extreme example that I use because there's a large subjective gray area between "objectively good" and "objectively bad".

Perfect example of cancerous postmodernist rubbish, posted by somebody on this very page of the thread: https://youtu.be/nT7ebyi4eUU Loud, chaotic, and totally distorted sounds, no sense, no talent, nothing of value really. Surely, there are people whose cup of tea that is, but that's certainly the kind of rubbish that will be forgotten and buried in shame in no time at all.

Also, no shit sherlock @ some words and combinations of words having been used in any particular way before. Every single fucking thing has been said or played before, be it a beat or a word. You just rearrange the same words and beats and try to create something original. Just because themes and maybe even a few keyphrases recur more or less frequently doesn't make the work any less original. You can have the exact same song interpreted by two different artists and theyd make it two entirely different experiences
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby McMokka » 04 Mar 2017 13:24

Wow Conor went 200% hipster D:
I wont waste as many words as Xen, but first of all Ed Sheeran is really talented and if you are unbiased enough to go through his different stuff, you would see that it is diverse as well. Sure, it is mainstream, but that does not mean it is bad. Quite the opposite, most of it is for a good mood, some of it for sadness, some of it for love. If I listen to music I always link my emotions to the emotions the song is trying to deliver. The better a song catches a mood, the more into it I get.
Plus Ed Sheeran sounds just as good live&unplugged, which is also rare these days. Him being able to play 3 instruments I believe is only a bonus.

Bottom line: I listen to music to enjoy it, not to be proud of myself for being different Kappa

@Xun thanks for the playlist :)
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 13:25

wew mokki kinda agrees with me. Unexpected. <3
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 13:29

Also, my go to example of a modern artist who has been immensely successful in popular culture in the past 20 years whose art will without a shadow of a doubt be remembered far beyond his death: Eminem.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 04 Mar 2017 13:34

I feel like all the more modern music at the moment just doesn't have a real soul to it. I feel like the songs were created for the sake of making a song, instead of making a song to get a message across. I don't really mind the modern songs, but I feel like they get boring pretty quickly. It is not really music that you have to learn how to listen for and that everytime you listen to the song you notice some new things that you haven't noticed before.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Conor_Notorious_McGregor » 04 Mar 2017 17:54

I cannot replay to every point. but a few stood out. I also pretty much agree with everything you said xen I just find ed sheeran bland beyond words. my refernenmce to the past wasnt about then vs now strictly i used an old example because there were less options then than there is now. you could apply what I said to a modern composition but the point may be less weighty ( i perhaps did not make it clear enough) forgive me.

mokka late you say ed sheeran sounds just as good unplugged. my question is why would he not sound a million times better? im not sure you chaps know what your actually hearing.. entire song is filtered and auto corrected and most of the instruments are synthed.. it sounds like shit!not sure how anyone can enjoy it wich leads me too..

slart thats because it as no soul.. soul comes from the ragged breath and the burn of the fingers on the strings. auto tune.. everything.. and the kids gorwing up this generation know nothing else! a global tuning of the ear to appreciate the mass produced white bread of sound! ( I dont mean you guys when I say kids)

maybe he can play really well live! maybe he sounds amazing live! or with a raw studio recording.. id love to actually be able to hear that guitar properly.. cos I know he can play it! sometimes raw music needs tweaking mongolian throat singing is pretty ragged when its jus into a mic... so Im not totally against sound waves being croped,tweaked and filled before it reaches my ears.

my wife listens to ed sheeran while she irons( amongt other things) i ve had my fill. show me something that rases my eyebrows or keeps me awake a the very least maybe i can be converted.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 18:05

Singers tend to sound better on record because the editing is supposed to do precisely that. It sounds less raw and natural, surely, but I think you only dislike it because it sounds fake to you. What if somebody sings and plays just as flawlessly in real life as they sound on a record where you presume all of their errors were just artificially corrected?

Regarding live performances, even if it were the most amazing live performer ever, I wouldn't ever go to a concert or an event or anything. All the background noise from the crowd and the shitty audio quality are just cancer to me. A good singer singing and playing live without any background noise and other BS? Fucking great. You won't get that with any major stars, though.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Dr_Slartibartfart » 04 Mar 2017 18:09

I went to a concert of Raccoon once, its one of the few not stupidly bad bands. It was in a concert hall with seats and everybody was just silent during them. You can probably find one of those halls as well in a place not too far away.
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Re: stronk tunes

Postby Xen » 04 Mar 2017 18:24

even then, the sound sucks. its not the same as listening to a professional studio record on good headphones.
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