Am I the new embody of shroud or what the fuck is with me?
Got this game with IRL friend of mine in a squad with 2 other random plebs. Pretty much every squad we faced I just killed them somehow. Also at the end it turned out to be just totally retarded what happend when we watched te replay. because it was us 2 vs 1 vs 1. But we thought it was a 2vs2. So we were facing like one guy, thinking there were 2 behind some trees. But turned out to be just that one guy. AND THE OTHER GUY WAS SITTING BEHIND US, FOR FUCKING (this is for real) 4 MINUTES WITH US PERFECTLY LINED UP AT 50M AND DIDNT SHOOT. So when we killed that guy behind a tree, he just followed us down a hill went prone, took about 20 secs to setup for us but by that time I already spotted him, gave him 2 headshots and then he did kill me but my friend finished him off. So yeah. Shouldn't have been a win, but is anyway :<